a new kind of publisher

All our books are printed on sustainably-sourced paper.
Once upon a time, picture books were plentiful in the land, and whoever wanted to find a wonderful story to share with a child had only to walk into a bookstore and be overwhelmed with the wealth of choices.
Then darkness came to the publishing world. Instead of many publishers, there were fewer and fewer large companies, reflecting less diverse tastes and interests.
Creston Books fills the void left behind by the major New York publishers who no longer put out a broad range of quality picture books. The golden age of picture books, when fine books were edited and published despite not being blockbusters, does not have to be over. Creston Books is author/illustrator driven, with talented, award-winning creators given more editorial freedom and control than in a typical New York house. We work hard to promote every book we print, not just the few we think will sell the best.
The literary world has been incredibly supportive of our efforts. Since our first list in 2013 we've received over 20 major awards and starred reviews. About a third of our authors have debuted with us, earning us a reputation for discovering today's most impressive new talents.